16 Weeks of Nuclear Growth: What Lies Ahead for India's Top #Builders

Graviton Web3 Accelerator
March 20, 2023

A sneak peek into Graviton's upcoming cohort in March 2023 - Curriculum, mentors, and assisted institutional fundraising.

As the country steps into summer, India's thriving web3 ecosystem is all set to witness a landmark moment of growth. Graviton is about to launch its first cohort, arming a carefully vetted team of early-stage founders with the resources and capital that they need to make it to the big leagues.

Graviton's upcoming cohort will offer a host of benefits, including up to $50K in initial investment, access to an extensive network of VCs, web3 founders, blockchains, platforms, and service providers, and an opportunity to learn web3-first principles to scale up their products. The program is scheduled to run from March through June 2023, taking selected startups through 16 weeks of mentor-led growth.

Here's a sneak peek into what lies ahead for India's top web3 founders, as they navigate this journey of growth. Graviton’s acceleration program has been developed around four key pillars of support:

  • An ecosystem of mentors and blockchain platforms that will work with the startups to identify and fill key gaps in their tech stack, growth and marketing strategies, community building exercises, and core web3-first principles via 1:1 and 1: many workshop, spread over 16 weeks
  • The availability of initial capital and the option to raise further institutional funds through preferential ecosystem collaborators, and an assisted fundraise effort during Graviton’s Demo Day
  • The availability of generous grants, credits and integrations in the form of program benefits, aimed to reduce the capital expenditure burden on startups at initial stages of growth, covering aspects such as decentralized storage, smart contract security audits, blockchain oracles, legal and compliance costs, and more.
  • A circular economy that keeps all our mentors, capital and technology collaborators, and grant providers equally vested into every startup, by distributing 80% of all acquired advisory tokens back into the collaborative ecosystem

The curriculum at Graviton is divided into four modules, each scheduled for a four-week intensive study during the cohort. These four “core” modules will be spearheaded by Graviton’s network of global web3 mentors, who will provide startups with practical insights and guidance on how to overcome the specific challenges they face while scaling up. Cumulatively, these mentors bring an unmatched treasure-trove of experience and expertise across different blockchain-focused domains, providing startups with a broad perspective on how to grow their businesses.

Module 1: Business Essentials

The first module will cover the foundational aspects of building a successful web3 startup. It will help startups identify and articulate their vision, develop a strong value proposition, and create a business model that aligns with their goals. Founders will learn the secret to finding a good product-market fit for their project. The module will also cover topics such as legal compliance, financial planning, design thinking, and team building, providing startups with a solid foundation to build upon.

Module 2: Web3-First Principles

The second module of Graviton's program will focus on helping startups understand the unique characteristics of the web3 ecosystem. It will cover topics such as decentralized finance, token economics, smart contracts, and blockchain integrations, providing startups with a comprehensive understanding of the web3 landscape. The module will also help startups identify opportunities to leverage web3-first principles to build innovative products and services.

Module 3: Growth Marketing

Graviton's third module will cover growth marketing strategies for web3 startups. It will help startups understand the different channels and tactics available to them to drive user acquisition, retention, and revenue growth. The module will cover topics such as brand building, community growth, content marketing, and paid advertising, providing startups with a framework to develop a scalable growth strategy.

Module 4: Fundraising

The final module of Graviton's program will cover fundraising strategies for web3 startups. It will help startups understand the different sources of funding available to them, including VCs, angels, and community-led initiatives. The module will also cover topics such as building your pitch deck, fundraising tactics, and investor due diligence, providing startups with a roadmap to secure the necessary capital to scale their businesses.

Demo Day

The graduating cohort of Graviton's program will have a chance to pitch their finished products on Demo Day. This will be an opportunity for startups to showcase their high growth points during the cohort and outline their roadmap for the future. The startups will pitch their products to a team of nominated analysts from some of the world’s leading web3-focused VCs, providing them with an opportunity to secure further funding and support in their journey.

A note from Graviton’s CEO to all startups in the first cohort

You’ve embarked on an incredible journey that will test your limits and push you to your fullest potential. The next 16 weeks will be transformative for you and your team. Remember, the most successful entrepreneurs are those who persevere through the toughest challenges. You have a vision, a dream, and a mission to make the world more decentralized and accessible through your innovative ideas and solutions.
Stay true to your mission.
Be open to feedback and criticism. Learn from your failures, and celebrate your wins. Embrace the challenges, lean into the discomfort, and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.
Remember, success is not measured by the destination, but by the journey. So enjoy your moment of nuclear growth at Graviton!

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